Gowrie offers quality early learning in the Carlton Learning Precinct (CLP)

Gowrie has a proud history of supporting families within the community through high quality learning and care within our programs promoting children’s curiosity and wonder.

Gowrie waxay leedahay taariikh sharaf leh oo ah inay taageerto qoysaska bulshada dhexdeeda iyada oo loo marayo waxbarasho tayo sare leh iyo daryeel gudaha barnaamijyadeena kor u qaadaya xiisaha iyo yaabka carruurta.

تتمتع Gowrie بتاريخ فخور في دعم العائلات داخل المجتمع من خلال التعلم عالي الجودة والرعاية ضمن برامجنا التي تعزز فضول الأطفال وإعجابهم.

We’re passionate about promoting children’s inherent curiosity and wonder. We view each child as strong in potential, capable and competent. All children and families have the ability to succeed and we support inclusion and celebrate our diversity. We champion the best quality early childhood education and care for all children.

Enrolments still open for 2024, we currently have places available for long day care and kindergarten. Contact us today.

We opened the doors to our 98-place service at Carlton Learning Precinct in January 2020. Gowrie offers sessional kindergarten and long day care programs as a part of Melbourne’s first integrated learning centre, providing educational opportunities across early and primary years. We’re co-located with Carlton Primary School and the unique design provides opportunity for community building through shared spaces and close connections with the school, maternal and child health services, parenting services and playgroups as well as the wider community. Carlton Learning Precinct is a strong partnership for the community, connecting families and offering a range of opportunities, programs and services for families.

Long Day Care (6 weeks to 5 years)

Lilly Pilly 6 weeks to 3 years | 16 children
Pepperberry 6 weeks to 3 years | 16 children
Banksia 3-5 years | 33 children
Golden Wattle 3-5 years | 33 children

Long day care is open from 7:30am to 6:00pm, Monday to Friday, 50 weeks of the year.

Sessional Kindergarten

Sessional kindergarten operates during school terms only in four groups:
Group A 3-5 years – Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 4.00pm (15 hours per week)
Group B 3-5 years – Thursday and Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm (15 hours per week)
Group C – 3-5 years – Monday and Tuesday 8.30am – 4.00pm (15 hours per week)
Group D – 3-5 years – Thursday and Friday 8.30am – 4.00pm (15 hours per week)

Children eligible for three years sessional kinder must turn 3 years old by end of April.

Long Day Care Fee – $170 per day
Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and late snack provided.

Sessional kindergarten: No charge
Lunch, morning & afternoon tea provided on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.

There is a 2 day minimum enrolment to ensure consistency and a sense of belonging for children and families.

Free kindergarten will be available for all three and four year old children enrolled at Gowrie Victoria sessional kindergarten programs. For children enrolled in our integrated kindergarten programs you will receive a kindergarten subsidy (approximately $2050) that will offset the kindergarten program component of your out-of-pocket fees, this will be applied directly to your account in instalments over the year.

Some families are entitled to the Child Care Subsidy from the Commonwealth Government. The Child Care Subsidy will be paid directly to child care services to be passed on to families as a fee reduction. Families will make a co-contribution to their child care fees and pay to the child care service the difference between the fee charged and the subsidy amount. The amount that can be claimed is dependent on the family’s income and level of activity. For more information visit: www.servicesaustralia.gov.au/child-care-subsidy


Please call our Reception Team on 03 9123 1910 to make an appointment.

We’re pleased to accept your enrolment request at any time of the year. Once we have your booking request and a place becomes available, you will be emailed a letter of offer. If you require childcare immediately and a place is available, we will be happy to offer you that place.

If a place is not available or your enrolment is for next year, please join our waiting list.

To ensure a fair, equitable and transparent process, Gowrie Victoria follows the Commonwealth Government Priority of Access Guidelines:
Priority 1: a child at risk of serious abuse or neglect
Priority 2: a child of a single parent or parents who satisfy the work/training/study test
Priority 3: any other child

Manager Children’s Program
Educational Leader
Assistant Manager Children’s Program
Part time and float pool educators

The National Quality Framework (NQF) came into effect in 2012. Children’s education and care services are assessed and rated against the National Quality Standards. This ensures a high standard of care for children in the critical areas of education, health and safety and provides clear and comprehensive information for families. The Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority undertake the assessment and rating process. It is also the point of contact for any questions services may have about the assessment and rating process. In July 2021, the service was assessed under the National Quality Standards, and received Meeting the National Quality Standard.

The Victorian government is progressing 3 interrelated reforms that are integral to reducing family violence and promoting child wellbeing or safety. From April 2021, additional organisations and services were prescribed under all 3 reforms and this includes Early Childhood Education and Care services.

The initial point of contact for Information Sharing is the Early Learning Manager who can be contacted via phone or email:

Carlton Learning Precinct
03 9123 1910

Ph: 03 9123 1910  E-mail: clp@gowrievictoria.org.au 
Located at 150 Palmerston Street, Carlton VIC 3053