Trudy is an Early Childhood Teacher who joined the Returning Teachers and Educators (RTE) Coaching Program and shares her experience as part of the program.

Relocating from New Zealand to Australia, Trudy joined this program to strengthen her knowledge around The Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework (VELDYF), The National Quality Standards (NQS) and The Planning Cycle. Here are some of the highlights from Trudy’s Self-Assessment which was completed as part of her three way reflection and evaluation.

What has changed for you since you started the coaching program?

My understanding of the ECE sector in VIC / Australia has grown so much. I’m far more familiar with the different ECEC services, the varying roles/qualification types and responsibilities relating to roles. I’m more knowledgeable on key documents such as VEYLDF, EYLF and NQS and I understand how these documents influence teaching practice and planning.

Has coaching supported you to be more confident? In what way?

Without a doubt coaching has supported me to be more confident. I have gained so much knowledge and a much deeper understanding of ECEC here in Australia and because of this I feel far more confident working as a teacher. I know exactly what my professional expectations are and am no longer second-guessing myself. I also feel more confident to lead, knowing I know my stuff.

How has coaching influenced you in your role? What’s different, what’s better?

I think my attitude towards teaching has had a real positive shift. I’m no longer feeling unsure or overwhelmed by what I don’t know and because of it I am a happier, more present and intentional teacher. I feel more able to support student teachers and take the lead when required. Planning is something I enjoy a lot more and I’m excited extend on and document children’s learning.

How has coaching supported you to reach your goals?

Coaching has absolutely supported me to reach my goals. It was always my goal to feel settled, confident and enthusiastic to teach here in Victoria and at the beginning of my teaching journey this seemed far away. Coaching has made this journey a lot easier and equipped me with a lot of knowledge and tools moving forward.

Any final reflections you would like to share?

I am so glad that I enrolled in the returning teachers and educators coaching program. As someone new to teaching in Australia there was so much to take in when I first arrived and I had so many questions. Trying to learn and understand ECEC frameworks/documents on my own felt overwhelming and I was unsure of how it all fit together. Working with a gowrie coach made things make sense and gave me the knowledge and understanding to complete the puzzle.

Gowrie did an amazing job at matching me with a coach that could support me to reach my goals and that was the right fit for me. My coach was very attentive, supportive, flexible, super knowledgeable and clearly passionate about ECEC and Coaching. he whole coaching journey was very collaborative, if something came up that I needed support around or wanted to delve deeper into this was never an issue. I often looked forward to my coaching session, it was great to have a sounding board and be able critically reflect collaboratively as finding moments to do this can be difficult. My coach would also send through relevant and interesting resources/readings which as someone who loves learning, reading and a bit of independent study I found these to be super valuable.

Ultimately as an overseas trained teacher the Returning teachers and educators coaching programme was invaluable. I feel like my confidence in teaching here in Victoria has improved significantly and my overall sense of belonging in the sector is so much stronger.


Gowrie offers coaching for teachers and educators returning to the ECEC sector on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education. To find out more about our coaching program, please e-mail or call 8624 1077.