Over 85 years, Gowrie Victoria has built a reputation for translating theory into practice, sharing our learning, and shining a light on best practice in early childhood.

We draw on the experience and rich evidence-base from our own early learning services to increase the capabilities, confidence and engagement of educators and teachers across Victoria.

We offer a number of coaching, mentoring and learning programs that aim to show rather than tell, and that encourage reflection on what we learn. This comes from our culture of genuine curiosity and learning.

We know that real learning and growth happen when we’re curious, reflective and open-minded. This enables us to go beyond the surface and achieve better outcomes that make a difference.

Programs delivered by Gowrie Victoria

We launch a new program of blended learning for 2025. Packages are practical, interactive and reflective. They include eLearning, access to tools and resources on Gowrie Victoria’s new Innovation & Learning Hub, tours & demonstration, discussion groups, communities of practice and coaching. Content is based on our capability framework, developed by educators for educators, filmed at Gowrie Victoria services.

Specialised coaching for teachers, educators and leaders as part of the Victorian Government’s School Readiness Funding program. Find out more

Coaching for educators and teachers returning to the sector or joining the Victorian ECEC sector from inter-state, overseas or Primary. Delivered on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education, it’s free, and places are currently open until the end of 2024. Find out more

Mentoring for provisionally registered teachers supporting them in their early career and to achieve full teacher registration with the Victorian Institute of Teaching. Delivered on behalf of the Victorian Department of Education. Find out more

Accredited training through Gowrie Victoria’s RTO – Certificate III (CHC30121) and Diploma (CHC50121) in Early Childhood Education and Care. Look out for our new blended Diploma in 2025. Find out more

Traineeships for new educators entering the profession who study their qualification with Gowrie Victoria and specialised mentoring and wrap-around support. Find out more

eLearning modules for new educators: Series of 12 free courses to build the confidence and work-readiness of new educators, supporting them to implement and extend their learning from their Certificate III studies. Find out more

Introductory Programs for school students and CALD communities. Find out more

Gowrie Victoria is known as a place for demonstration. Our services at both Carlton North and The Harbour, Docklands include purpose-built viewing booths. These days we host shorter tours for early childhood professionals as part of their School Readiness Funding coaching packages so participants can reflect on what they see and learn with their coach. We also host multi-day tours that include observation, presentations, panel discussions and lots of in-depth reflection.

“The study tour has made me reflect more on how we support children with complex trauma and diverse backgrounds. Even though I believe our service is a very calm, happy and safe place for children, I went away from the tour reflecting on how I can make small changes to the learning environment to better support all children in our environments. We have started with small changes like the softer lighting and gentle calm background music. I have also been reflecting on we can simplify and streamline our documentation at the center. I have also begun to look more closely at updating our Reconciliation Action plan and how we can promote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives and cultures into our service in a more authentic manner.” – Tour participant

Join the Team

Thinking about a new role? Find out more about working for Gowrie Victoria and current Educational Leaders, ECTs and educator vacancies here:
