It started with a curiosity about rainbows and quickly developed into a whole class project that encompassed everything from art and science, to community and First Nations’ perspectives.
Kinder teacher Carla Beslagic said the project involved learning and creating with the concept of rainbows and invited the children to explore and discover rainbows around them.
One child discovered a ‘rainbow’ on the floor, through refracted light, which she could then become ‘a part of’ by placing her hands or feet into the light. Educator Cerri May said another group of children were excited to find a young rainbow lorikeet in the tree just outside their classroom.
“Some of them spotted ‘rainbows’ in our environment and captured them in photos,” Cerri said. “Others were busy exploring the symbolic arc of rainbows with watercolours and paints.”
Children created artworks featuring their own abstract interpretations of rainbows; some using concentric circles and others using number blocks. “We saw so many different variations,” Cerri said. “One child incorporated First Nations’ perspectives into their artwork, capturing a rainbow through Birrarung.”
Discussions focused on the seven, unchanging colours found in the rainbow and evolved to include the science behind the spectrum.
“At yarn time and relaxation time, the educators initiated conversations about the different places we find rainbows in the wider community and what they may represent for people,” Carla said. “It was a beautiful way to talk about symbols and identity.”